Monday, January 30, 2006

New Kid In Town

Fugitive ToysThere's a new urban vinyl toy store in town ('town' in this case, being the internet), Fugitive Toys, set to stir up the pot a little. They sent me an e-mail with their press release letting me know about their new urban vinyl community and toy store. Their website is meant to be a community for collectors to come together to communicate. Visitors can create their own groups, befriend others, suggest toys, message each other, and much more.
“By allowing the collectors to have their own individual groups, we’ve allowed them to expand on and specialize in topics not achievable on your average forum,” says owner Josh Pigford. “We wanted to give toy collectors a chance to really bring in non-collectors and let them experience the community that’s involved with this.”
Sounds cool to me. The store has a large selection of vinyl toys ranging from the latest Dunnys to older, classic In-Crowd figures. Just one more place on the internet to get your urban vinyl fix on.

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