Friday, August 06, 2004

No Gnus Is Good Gnus

Sorry, nothing to report today. Why don't you go over to Todd Bush's Transformus website and take a look at some dirty hippies that someone other than I took pictures of. Was that last sentence grammatically correct at all? Is anything I write really grammatically correct? At least they have a spell checker on blogger, but I never actually use it. Anyway, you can see a picture of my hat and shoulder in the bottom right-hand corner of picture number DSC_9646.jpg on Todd's site! I didn't make it into any of the other pictures because I guess I don't look like enough of a freak. Aww... too bad. Next year: more glowing crap!

On a little side note, this is the site of someone with the same first name as me that I found while looking for "glowing crap" on Google. In fact, I think he is me! Scary.

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