Thursday, March 13, 2008

Miss You

UPSOI got e-mail from Michael over at Wootini yesterday about a new exhibit entitled "I Will Miss You While I'm Gone" featuring the artist Dustin Hostetler, a.k.a. UPSO, opening tomorrow night, March 14th at 7pm. The exhibit will run from March 14 - April 8. Here's how Wootini describes UPSO's work:
UPSO's work is self-reflective, and pauses often to explore deep personal sentiment and emotion. In his latest collection, entitled "I Will Miss You When I'm Gone," he takes a moment to reflect upon and pay homage to the aspects of his life that he appreciates most. From people to possessions, his imagery is presented boldly and poignantly. It should serve to remind us that life is short indeed, but perhaps we could all benefit from drawing greater appreciation from the things in our lives that we tend to take for granted.
There will be food and refreshments and as usual, Family will be providing the stellar sounds.

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