Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Ballad Of Lando Calrissian

Alright, I have been pretty bad about posting recently, but I have been very busy and very tired. I am working 7 am to 4 pm at Art Territory, but usually stay until five, then when I get home I have been busy working on stuff for the Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina. I am too exhausted by the time I am done with that to type anything else, so Anne and I have been watching TV on Seth's HD projector through my computer.

Billy Dee 'Lando Calrissian' WilliamsIt has been an interesting week, though. On Wednesday, I got to work with one of my heroes, the great Lando Calrissian... I mean Billy Dee Williams [pictured above]. I am working on putting together a series of prints for him based on a painting that he did. He is a really good artist and a very nice guy. He has soft hands and he smells wonderful. And he is an impeccable dresser. I will be working with him more this coming week. He really liked what I did with his piece. Did that last paragraph sound a little gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Anyway, last weekend, last Friday night, Anne and I went to an 80's singalong at the Los Angeles Music Center, which is right next to the Walt Disney Concert Hall, which is one of my favorite pieces of architecture ever. Designed by Frank Gehry, it is an amazingly shiny, curvy building which probably causes a lot of traffice accidents from people gawking at it and from the gleam that comes off of it in the morning when the sun hits it just right. How could you not love a building that kills people? Like the Stephen King story Christine, but with a building.

Saturday night, we went to the gallery opening for Buried Beneath Me at project:gallery. It was pretty fun, free beer, good art, lots of friendly hipsters. I forgot my camera, otherwise I would show y'all some pictures. There was another gallery open that night, two doors down from project:gallery, called The Lab 101 which was really fun. It was smaller that project:gallery, which isn't very big to begin with, but that just made it cozier, and after a couple of beers, easier to meet people. Anne met a couple of young turk artist type ladies named Andrea Shear and Sara Brum down there who do some interesting artwork. They were fun to hang out with, too. Y'all should check them out.

We have been looking around for apartments in West Hollywood and have seen some nice places down there, in our price range and close to where we work. I can't wait to get out of Seth's place and into somewhere that has air conditioning and a little more space. Kallie the Kat will appreciate it too. Also, she will probably be able to go outside, which she will love!

Space Invader, Sunset Junction

This weekend is the Sunset Junction Street Festival [pictured above], which we will be going to later this afternoon and tomorrow. Like Apple Chill, but more chill. Broken Social Scene is playing tonight and Black Keys are playing tomorrow night. In all, 36 bands and nine DJ's. Isaac Hayes was supposed to play, but we all know what happened there. Anyway, it should be a lot of fun!

Well, that's all that is going on for now. I'll let y'all know how the street fest was.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Thanks for the shout out! Lovin the blog! I hope you had fun at the festival Broken Social Scene were great desipite techical difficulties. Say hi to Anne!