Friday, May 28, 2004

Well Hung Over

This post is dedicated to the delicious hang-over that I have today thanks to the post-Flicker party last night. I didn't drink liquor, but I did drink a lot of beer and ate really shitty, literally, Mexican food. Here are some Limited Ed. liquor's that will have your little German friend, Herr Liquorshitz, visiting you fer sure. Russia's own jewel, the Limited Ed. drink of the Czar's is this The Jewel of Russia Vodka:

Oh, it looks so tempting, *gag*! Then there's good ol' Jose:

Connoisseurs say this rare limited edition blend [of Reserva de la Familia] is 200 years of the Cuervo family in a bottle.
I say it's instant diarrhea in a bottle. My uncle Dave says, "If you drink the worm, you see God." Yeah, if God lives in the bottom of the toilet. Ugh! I can't look at any more liquor.

Pssst. Check out A Girl's Guide to Geek Guys courtesy of Bifurcated Rivets. Damn that's some funny, geeky stuff!

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