Here's the info:
Helmut Newton Swatch Online AuctionThe current bid is $5,650.00 and the winning bidder is bippie. Bidder bippie, bidder bippie, bidder bippie. Try saying that a hundred and thirty-four times fast.
It all started from the word "Sold" at Sotheby's in New York, on December 3rd 2001, where Swatch auctioned off 27 unique lots, raising USD 800'000 for charity.
A particular lot called "My Swatch", which included a once-in-a-lifetime chance to design a Swatch watch, went to the highest bidder that night - philanthropist Henry Buhl.
The artistic collaboration of Henry Buhl and the Swatch design team resulted in the birth of a priceless Swatch created by Helmut Newton, one of the acclaimed photographers' last artistic efforts. Only 100 pieces were ever created using his famous photograph entitled California Finger Nails Hollywood, 1981, with one piece soon to be auctioned online at www.swatch.com/helmutnewton.
All proceeds going to benefit the Association of Community Employment Programs from the Homeless, an organization started by Henry Buhl.
The online auction will begin May 7th at 11am EST (@666), and ends on May 20th at 8pm EST (@041).
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